White Elephant Ebony & Ivory Sandblast 6

Artikel-Nr.: 14787
EAN: 4251582729483

White Elephant Ebony & Ivory Sandblast 6

In May 2019 the brothers Thilo and Oliver Kopp acquired the company Robert Maderholz GmbH, which is the smallest producer of pipe filter- and cleaning products in Germany. It is also the only manufacturer of filters with natural Meerschaum filling worldwide, and for over 30 years White Elephant features a 6 mm filter. Kopp Filters is furthermore the only producer of pipe cleaners in Germany. There are only three manufacturers in Europe. The Design of the brand was already revamped during the transfer period, all packagings are free of plastic by now. We also considerably improved the tensile behaviour of our filters. Now the only thing missing are pipes! Scarcely anybody knows that pipes have been the foundation of the company Robert Maderholz, which he started producing shortly after World War II. A few artifacts of old machines are still stored in the decayed adjoining building. Ebony & Ivory is the name of this series, featuring a short stem and a mouthpiece in ivory look. German freehand artist Reiner Thilo gave his permission to resurrect the inlaid sphere, thank you very much! And now you should listen to the catchy song with the same name by Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder. Pure joie de vivre!